Mohammed Al-Sada

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Piton is featured in ITMedia and Yahoo! News

Piton, a wearable snake-shaped telexistence robot, is featured in ITMedia and Yahoo! News.

Piton can is worn by one person, and controlled remotely by another user. Piton enables unique collaborative and shared-experiences between various users, overcoming travel and time limitations.

To the best of our knowledge, Piton is the first wearable snake-shaped telexistence robot!

The research is published in MDPI Sensors as part of the Special Issue in Challenges and Future Trends of Wearable Robotics: Check the paper here

Link to ITMedia is here

Linke to Yahoo! News is here

You can check the Piton’s video below:

This video shows Piton, which is a wearable snake-shaped telexistence robot that can be worn and used in various daily life and industrial contexts.