MSc and Phd Course Application

Please contact me if you are interested in pursuing an Msc or PhD at Qatar University, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Your research topic should fall into one of the following themes:

  • Multipurpose Robotic Appendages (Supernumerary Robotic Limbs, Telexistence).

  • Novel Robotic Systems (Robot Design methodology, Humanoid robots, knowledge transfer using robots).

  • Human Augmentation and XR Systems (Virtual/Augmented Reality, Daily Used VR/AR systems).

Please check previous and current projects here.


  • You should meet the acceptance requirements at QU Msc/Phd Program at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

  • Excellent Academic track-record.

  • CS/CE students:

    • Strong technical backgrounds in C#, C++, C or Python.

    • Familiarity with Unity3D or Robotics or Mechatronic Systems or Machine Learning.

  • Mechanical Engineering/Robotics students:

    • Strong technical skills in CAD (Solidworks, Autocad Inventor…etc)

    • Strong programming skills and experience in Python or C++ or C.

    • Experience with 3D printing, milling, CNC, and integration of mechanical systems or robots.

  • Msc Students: Bsc in relevant fields: mechanical engineering, robotics, computer science, computer engineering.

  • Phd Students:

    • PhD: should have a minimum of one publication.

    • Should have a Msc degree in a topic relevant to the main research themes.

Application Process:

  1. Please check the offered Msc and PhD programs and confirm that you meet the minimum requirements Msc/PhD program at Qatar University:

    • QU Msc in Computing Program:

    • QU PhD in Computer Science Program:

    • QU PhD in Computer Engineering Program:

  2. Fill the application form below

  3. Send an email that includes the following.

    • Email header should include the your name + the program you are interested in, selected start date of the MSc/PhD program.

    • Attach your CV/Resume including the publications list.

    • A 2-page project proposal: highlighting your main research idea, research questions to be addressed, contributions, and execution plan..

    • Send the above to my email: mohammed.alsada [at]

    If you meet the minimum requirements, you will be contacted.