Doctoral of Engineering from the Department of Computer Science and Communications Engineering, through Leading Graduate Program for Embodiment Informatics - Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 2020.
Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering - Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 2015.
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering - Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, 2009.
Associate Certificate in Business Analysis - George Washington University, 2012.
Agile Project Management using SCRUM - Learning Tree UK, London, UK. 2011.
Professional Experience
Director, KINDI Computing Research Center, College of Engineering, Qatar University - 2024-Current
Board Member, Qatar Mobility Innovation Center (QMIC), Doha, Qatar. 2024-Current
Assistant professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Qatar University - 2020-Current
Visiting Scholar , Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing Lab - Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan -2020 - 2022
Board Member, Hatsumuv, Tokyo, Japan. 2022~Current
Visiting Researcher - Sony Computer Science Labs (CSL), Cybernetic Humanity (Dr. Shunichi Kasahara), Tokyo, Japan - 2019 (3 months)
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Qatar University - 2012-2020
Systems Engineer, Qatar Petroleum (Qatar Energy) - 2009-2012
Founder, FahrasQatar, 2009-2014
ICT Intern, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC); Doha, Qatar , 2008 (3 Months)
Intern Developer, RasGas (QatarGas) ; Doha, Qatar, 2005 (3 Months)
Academic and Professional Service
Reviewer - MDPI Robotics (ISSN 2218-6581) (2025)
Reviewer - The 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2024
Reviewer - The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2024
Management Board Member, Qatar Mobility Innovation Center (2024- Current)
Committee Member, Faculty Award Committee, Qatar University (2024)
Sponsorship Chair, The 15th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2023), Doha, Qatar
Reviewer - International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO) 2023
Reviewer - Augmented Humans International Conference 2021
Reviewer - Siggraph Asia 2019
Oral Presentations and Invited Talks
Panelist, Industry 5.0: The Business and Investment Opportunity, Qatar Economic Forum (2024), Doha, Qatar.
“Wearable Telexistence Robots for Daily Use” at 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), University of Fukui, Japan. (March, 2023).
“Piton: A Snake-Shaped Wearable Telexistence Robot” at the 14th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR 2022), Keio University, Yokohama, Japan (December, 2022).
“From Sci-Fi to Reality: Investigating Snake-Shaped Robotic Appendages for Daily Use” , KINDI Research Center, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.
“Frontiers of Human Extension and Embodiment Through the Metaverse“ at the forum titled “The Metaverse Era: Challenges and Oppurtunities”, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Doha, Qatar (October, 2022).
Achievements and Awards
Awarded Graduate Assistant Grant 2023-2025.
Awarded two Qatar University SDP Research Grant - 2023-2024
Awarded Qatar-Japan Research Collaboration Fund (QJRC) 2023-2024
Role: LPI
Awarded Qatar University SDP Research Grant - 2021-2022
Project Title: VTX - a Virtual Reality Telexistence System
Role: LPI
Awarded Proof of Concept (PoC) Funding by Waseda University, Tokyo Japan. (2022)
Project title: Cutieroid Project
Role: PI.
Awarded with Qatar-Japan-Research Collaboration Fund. (2020~)
Project: Wearable Telexistence Robot with Multimodal Interaction for Collaboration and Training
Role: PI
Best Poster Award for the poster titled “Wearable Telexistence Robots for Daily Use” at 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), Fukui, Japan
Honorable Mention for the paper titled “Designing Serpentine Shaped Appendages for Augmenting Daily Interactions” – 1st International Conference on Visualization and Computer-Human Interaction (2019), Doha, Qatar
Accepted in Waseda University Leading Graduate Program for Embodiment Informatics, with funding for research activities for three years. (2016-2020)
ICT Qatar’s Fahras Qatar Competition Winner (2010).
Awarded with Qatar’s National Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP) (2007)
Qatar University’s Dean’s Honor Role in 2005-2006-2007.